Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31

With my current state of affairs being somewhat in flux day to day I find that dependability is more important in the people around me than ever before. Things I used to shrug off as "you know so and so" are almost intolerable now.
Schedule has become as important to me as substance.
Creating a stable environment free of chaos and dramatic flair has become one of the major focuses of my life. It is what I am striving for emotionally, financially, and spiritually.
We are starting to have a routine in daily life and it has become soothing during this time for both of us. I only hope that these routines continue because they really help make our lives more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. i am a girl who thrives on routine, as well, so i totally get you on this. i've been trying to find one for myself in these same areas-- thanks to the frustration and whatnot of a year plus looking for work. glad you've got one worked out, and here's hoping others don't thwart it too much! =)
