Monday, November 12, 2012

November 12, 2012

     Wow what a week! I don't even know where to start this past week has had me turned every which way, inside out, upside down, and been the most challenging that I can remember.

     It started like any other week. Monday wen't off without a hitch. It was smooth sailing. Tuesday began what I shall refer in this post as "the journey."
      On Tuesday there was no school and we had an inservice day that was organized the Niswonger foundation. The Niswonger Foundation is philanthropy effort from a rich business man to try and "fix" education. It was awful and as informative as reading the directions on the back of a shampoo bottle. After the in-service myself and some friends decided to go to a restaurant to complain about the day and catch up on our insulting each other. It was really nice to be around adults and not at work.

Then I received the call. .
     My boy's teacher called to tell me that he was inconsolable, wouldn't follow any directions, and completely out of control. I told her I would be there in five minutes and immediately said my goodbyes and headed that way.

     I arrived at the school expecting pandemonium laced with a little violence and a wee bit off sorrow. I walked through the door and......NOTHING!! Miles was playing on the floor with another little boy and they were laughing and having a wonderful time. Outrage would be a mild understatement as to my reaction. I picked him up, put him in the 3 yr old class and then took the teacher to task in the hallway.

     Wednesday went okay. My parents came to visit and we had a good time.

   Thursday it all went back to "the journey." My little guy and I toured the local Catholic school and it was really exceptional. I knew all of the teachers already because of the band, they were a million times further along than his class, and it is cheaper than where he is because we are Catholic.

   I took my boy back to his school and had a conference with his teacher. I tried my best to get her to understand that I am completely interested, supportive of his teachers and their approach to behavior however, I can not work on standing in line at home because there are no lines at our home. Working on circle time at home is not realistic because I have him sit on my lap and read him a story. Also I wouldn't tell him to be quiet because I think it is important to answer his questions. I would, however, like to know about his behaviors issues so I can talk to him about it but, I would rather have more pertinent information. Such as, he is having trouble with his shapes, doesn't know his lower case letter. etc...

This fell on deaf ears. So we are changing schools.

    Later on in the evening I was practicing with a church band that I had agreed to play with to make some extra money for Christmas. Grandma was watching big man and she was supposed to come and visit him. I left the band practice at 7:50. I know that was the time because I was late and I wanted to call and check on everyone. I was told that she had never shown up. I arrived at home at 8 pm to find her in the dining with my son's piggy bank emptied. She stated she was trying to put money in the bank and I called her bluff and told her to put the money back.. WELCOME HOME! Then she dug in her car for a pill she had dropped and in her car for about twenty minutes. Then she came in and asked if she could download music to her phone and I told her she had five minutes then he was going to bed and she would need to leave.

Friday was okay until about 1 p.m. when she called. She said that when she was downloading music the computer removed her contacts and she needed them to because the doctor told her she had cancer and she needed to call someone.  I told her that I would meet here at the house and when I arrived I tried to go to the back up of her phone. When I looked at her contacts they were all there so I asked and she said there wasn't all of them. So I let try and began to pick up some things around the house. When I looked over towards the computer she was downloading the rest of her music...CLASSY.


Saturday only involved her texting me and asking for money, telling me that she missed me and wanted her old life back. It has been a year and she is living with her fourth boyfriend since I asked her to leave. That makes it ; her four "relationships" since then and me zero. Yeah she misses me a lot and I told her about how awesome she was via text.


I played the church and it was actually fun. I love playing and I get to be around other adults who like to play  so it is really kind of fun.
After I finished the second service I called to tell the I was on my way to get the boy and was told "we have a real problem." I ,of course, inquired and was told that she was having a nervous breakdown. My first thought was my son having to see some foolishness going down and apparently I am the only who had thought of that. I got there as soon as I could and when I arrived I was told again that we had a problem. I responded that I didn't have a problem and that they were responsible for her and I was not. I was responsible for  him and we were leaving because he didn't need to be around that kind of crazy.

So there's the past few days of my journey. Sorry for the length but, needed all of this to be out there for my sanity.

HAVE A GOOD WEEK!  If this one is like last week I am going to be a basket case myself!!!


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